Follow the Money
Follow the Power
Nobody likes loosing a good job

The industry that runs today's politial machines for power and profit will be negatively affected by any meaningful campaign finance reform. There will be aggressive, coordinated, imaginative opposition from the most powerful people and industries in the world. These are not patriots and they will not play fair. They have their own interests at heart and will do their best to convince you that their interests are your interests. Their opposition is precisely the reason our country developed the need for this amendment.
Career politicians
Many will lose the jobs they have held for years and their power and broad influence will be attenuated. An intent of this amendment is that their broad power and influence will be redirected from loyalty to self and party to loyalty to country and constituent. Many will simply be unable to make the transition and will resist this proposal as if their job depended on it.
Advertising industry
Massive campaign advertising spending will dissapear. The opposition from the industry that controls what we hear, see and often think may be insurmountable without organized support of candidates who are behind this amendment.
Political media
Under Section 2 pundents, reporters and "news" organizations will less easily control the narrative through speculation, misinformation and fear. This proposal also attempts to eliminate free advertising of the prefered candidates of media owners and organizations. They will speak out passionatly against anything that may reign them in using the best methods they know; speculation, misinformation and fear.
Politically Active Wealthy
Under Section 1 Paragraph three all citizens are limited to $2000 total political donations. The self entitled frequently do not like to be told they are equal. They have their money and should be free to spend it on anything they want, missing the point that their claim to freedom in this way in results in their fellow citizens oppression. There is the chance they won't see it that way and proceed to finance advertising, politicians, PAC's, lobbyists and operatives. Pay atention to the wealthy that support this amendment, they may just be rich patriots.
Politically Active Corporations
Under Section 1 paragraph four and Section 5 paragraph one; corporations can no longer participate in politics through funding, lobbying or offering emoluents. An intent of this amendment is to eliminate corporate involvement in campaign and political finance. Their influence will be limited to personal contact with elected congress member for exchange of information without financial incentives. Expect Boards of Directors and leaders to resist this loss of influence.
Paid Political Operatives
Campaigns will have less money available to hire such talent and many of these jobs will disappear.
Corporations and PACs can no longer spend money to hire political influence and these jobs will disappear
Section 1 eliminates funding for PACs with the intent that they cease to exist. Expect diversion of their considerable financial influence to be dispersed similarly to the politically active wealthy.
“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
John Stuart Mill, 1867

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